MainLine by PreTrain

The ultimate Pre-employment preparation & knowledge program for people about to commence training as a train driver.

MainLine by PreTrain helps you understand, and prepare for entry into the Australian railway industry as a trainee train driver.

After completing MainLine, you will;

  • Have an almost unfair advantage - a head-start in being prepared for the intensive training ahead of you for when you are selected as a trainee train driver for training
  • Understand a lot of high-level, basic foundational railway concepts & terminology that is often "assumed" knowledge in some classes.
  • Have been introduced to basic operating components & concepts of the average railway system, such as "above rail" & "below rail", "rollingstock", "safeworking" principles and more.
  • Understand how the training, assessment & qualification process works and the nationally recognised qualification you'll be working towards gaining.
  • Gain safety principles to help you be the safest, best driver you can be once you qualify.
  • Be aware of some of the opportunities to progress and advance your career beyond driving if you wish to
  • Know how to safely navigate the world of the workplace - including unions, management and you.
  • Know how to thrive in your new chosen driving career, not just survive.
  • Be aware of ways to keep building your skills & expand your career options
  • And more. All at your own pace, and in your own time.

All delivered by a real-world, current professional train driver trainer with over 20 years industry experience who has been a trainee driver before - in an honest, up-front and balanced way to help you achieve your goal of becoming a train driver.

Suburban Passenger
Train Driving Careers

Regional & Long Distance Passenger Train Driving Careers

General Freight
Train Driving Careers

Heavy-Haul & Bulk
Train Driving Careers

MainLine by PreTrain - Preparation for rail industry training & career planning knowledge, for prospective trainee train drivers

Get ready for the trainee train driver classroom & your new career today!

Hi, I’m Hamish

I'm the creator of PreTrain and the MainLine program. I am also your virtual trainer for the course.

Having been (and still am) a qualified train driver and train driver trainer / assessor for over 16 years, this program is the culmination of thousands of hours of thoughts, ideas, discussions with trainee drivers, other drivers and interested people, to bring together a simplified package to help new people get a basic overview of the rail industry in Australia, and how to get a start in it, in a self paced, easy to understand and follow way.

I am now delighted and very excited, to present to you MainLine by PreTrain.

If you are certain that train driving is the right career choice for you, and you now know where and how to have the best chance of applying (if you don't, my RailReady and FastTrack courses are for you), then I invite you to join me here at MainLine - where you'll be prepared for your training, assessment and career as a train driver & beyond.

Welcome aboard!