0.1 (Start Here) - ABOUT RailReady by PreTrain

About RailReady by PreTrain

Hello and welcome to RailReady by PreTrain!

I am Hamish Withington. I’m a qualified train driver and train driver trainer – I'm still actively driving trains as well as training and assessing new drivers as a paid professional train driver even now, after over 16 years of experience since I first qualified as a driver.

I am the creator of this program and I will also be your trainer throughout this series of lessons on becoming a trainee train driver here in Australia.

I created this program to help people de-mystify what the train driving life is like - whether you wish to drive suburban trains, regional passenger trains, freight trains or heavy haul trains - they all have different sets of pro's & con's that I think are wise to consider BEFORE signing up to.

Throughout the RailReady program, in part 1 you'll learn all about;

  • The basic requirements you'll need to become a trainee train driver
  • The pro's of becoming a train driver
  • The con's of becoming a train driver
  • We'll address some common misconceptions about the train driving job
  • Some of the ideal attributes of the ideal trainee train driver
  • And then there'll be a multiple choice quiz to see if you've understood the information correctly.

Throughout part 2 of the RailReady program, we'll discuss;

  • The four train "types"
  • The typical ways into the industry to become a driver
  • Overview of each of these pathways relevant to each industry type (e.g., freight trains, long distance passenger trains etc.)
  • Other trains & railways worthy of consideration beyond the mainline operators
  • Heritage & volunteer / hobby railway operations
  • And another multiple choice quiz to make sure you've understood the lessons correctly.

In the video below, I'll tell you more about what RailReady is all about, and will welcome you to the program.

Check out the video below, and see you inside!

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